Energy Efficiency Improvement
Hydrodynamic Optimization
Among many choices available to improve energy efficiency, hydrodynamic optimization is arguably the most effective but also the most difficult method to implement correctly as it requires a highly specialized skill set, which very few are equipped to offer.
Onboard Survey and Data Collection - (Appx 2 weeks)
In order to make the most out of subsequent investment, we strongly recommend this service prior to extensive numerical analysis because of its truly data-dependent nature. We dispatch only one engineer with all the necessary equipment to stay onboard usually for less than a week while the vessel is trading normally. To prepare a summary report, please allow us appx 2 weeks after completing the survey. We also recommend this service for new buildings during sea trials. The data collected by us as a third party become useful in case of dispute arising out of performance deficiency. Please be reminded, numerical analysis is not included in the work scope
VICUSdt XPRESS Analysis (Feasibility Study) - (Appx 5 to 6 weeks)
A proper optimization totally depends on the subject vessel’s type, size, and also operational profile. This service is designed to assist anyone who looks for the most suitable solution, not only technically but also commercially, to improve the vessel’s performance by calculating return on investment for all the available options based on their potential benefits we estimate using numerical analysis. The study can be more focused on a specific area of interest upon request. If the vessel is equipped with a shaft generator, or diesel electric driven, we also submit calculations of potential fuel savings from retrofitting our novel active front end variable frequency drive system, which allows whoever pays fuel bills to enjoy the lowest possible specific fuel consumption per kilowatt-hour of power generated on board. After completing the onboard survey or receiving all the necessary information, please allow us appx 5 to 6 weeks to submit our comprehensive report. Please be reminded, detailed designs of recommended modifications and retrofit technologies are not included in the work scope.
Detailed Design and CAD Drawings – (Appx 8 to 10 weeks)
Either optimizing the vessel entirely from its bow to stern and everything in between or just specific parts, the process demands a lot of work and dedication, but more importantly practice. This service allows our customers to take full advantage of our unrivaled experience in both numerical analysis and hydrodynamic design to help them achieve whatever objectives. To develop detailed designs and produce CAD drawings of recommended modifications and retrofit technologies, please allow us appx 8 to 10 weeks after completing the onboard survey or receiving all the necessary information. Please be advised, deliverables and optional services vary depending on the subject of optimization and the retrofit technology in consideration.

Shipboard Energy Management
The following products represent the latest and most promising energy saving technologies currently available in the market.
Ibuki Marine LED Lighting Solutions
These LED-based high-quality lighting solutions are purposefully designed and manufactured for maritime applications. These products are expected to last for 40,000 to 50,000 hours, and consume just 10 to 25% of energy compared with normal lighting products. Most of them are rated for a wide voltage range from DC24V to AC220V for versatility. Each product also comes with necessary features for its intended applications, such as ATEX explosion proof certificate with CE marking, mercury-free for the EU Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS) compliance, appropriate level of ingress protection, built-in anti-shock and vibration design, cold climate adaptability, and more.
VICUSdt Permanent Magnet Rim-driven Thruster
This is one of very few rim-driven thrusters actually out in the market, developed and manufactured fully in-house by VICUSdt. The product offers much higher propulsion efficiency than conventional thrusters because, by design, it has very little thermal, mechanical, and hydrodynamic efficiency losses, thanks to the permanent magnet technology. No external moving parts like a motor, shaft, and couplings means not only low noise and vibration but also high serviceability and low maintenance costs. Because the bearings are water lubricated, it is fully compliant with the US EPA's latest VGP guidelines.
Fuel Efficient Variable Speed Power Generation
As long as an internal combustion engine is used to generate electricity on board, the energy efficiency can be improved significantly by reducing its specific fuel consumption. One way to achieve that is to operate the engine close to its optimum load, where the specific fuel consumption is low. Another way is to take advantage of a large propulsion engine’s high fuel efficiency with a shaft generator instead of using less fuel efficient small generator engines. Specially, in case of an ocean-going vessel powered by a large slow-speed 2-stroke engine, as the difference in efficiency between the main engine and the auxiliary engine is even more pronounced, there is even a bigger incentive to entertain the investment. Actually, these ideas have been around for ages. And, in fact, many products have already been developed to tap into their benefits over the years. However, none of them has really been able to live up to its promise until very recently when all the necessary technologies to exploit their full potential have finally matured. While there is really no one-size-fits all approach to this subject, with of our expertise in ship design and close relations with a wide variety of technology providers, we can find a right solution, perfectly suited to any vessel regardless to its type, size, and operational profile.

© PORT ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. T +81 6 6573 5391 / F +81 6 6575 3036 / penterj@penterj.co.jp